Achieving optimal hearing health is an essential part of overall well-being, and hearing aids can bring life-changing improvements to those facing hearing challenges. A hearing health professional will help individuals find hearing aids, offer invaluable insights and tips to ensure a successful and satisfying hearing aid fitting experience. Whether you are a first-time hearing aid wearer or considering an upgrade, your hearing health professional will expertly navigate you through the process, helping you make informed decisions and fully harness the benefits of your hearing aids.

Plan Ahead

Before getting your hearing aids fitted, your hearing health professional will thoroughly assess your hearing. This comprehensive hearing evaluation aims to identify your individual hearing requirements and preferences, which will then lead to the customization of hearing aids tailored to your specific needs. During your discussion with your hearing health professional, share lifestyle considerations and instances where hearing loss has presented challenges, along with your past hearing history. Being prepared with this information is crucial as they guide you through this process, so you can take the first steps toward a more enhanced auditory experience.

Fitting Your Hearing Aids

Your hearing health professional will use the results of your hearing test to help find the right hearing aid for you, addressed to your specific needs. There are three main styles of hearing aids like behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE) and in the canal (ITC); your hearing health professional can recommend based on the severity of your loss. During your hearing aid fitting session, your hearing health professional will make adjustments based on your hearing test results, fine-tuning frequencies and volumes until the sound is clear and comfortable for you. Feel free to share your feedback during this process, as your input can enhance your overall experience.

The Adjustment Period

The adjustment period that follows the initial fitting of hearing aids is a unique journey for those experiencing it. In the beginning, wearers often notice that familiar sounds become more pronounced and distinct, which can be both surprising and, at times, overwhelming. This initial phase is important as the brain adapts to the heightened auditory input, gradually getting accustomed to the amplified sounds. Effective and ongoing communication with your hearing health professional during this adjustment period is essential to fine-tune the settings, ensuring that your hearing aids cater precisely to your individual needs.

Regular Follow-Ups

Regular follow-up appointments with your hearing health professional are a crucial aspect of maintaining optimal hearing health once you’ve had your hearing aid fitted. These sessions are for fine-tuning and adjusting your hearing aids to continually align with your specific needs. As time passes, both your hearing and lifestyle may change, making these appointments essential to ensure your hearing aids continue to perform at their best. They offer an opportunity to address any concerns or challenges that may arise, playing a significant role in the sustained success of your hearing aids. These appointments also foster an ongoing, productive relationship with your hearing health professional. If you want to learn more about hearing aid fittings talk with your hearing health professional about what to expect.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid fitting, how-to guides