Hearing aids are a valuable tool that helps those with hearing difficulties to better experience the world around them. Unfortunately, these devices can be easily damaged by moisture as they can corrode internal components and cause damaging feedback loops. Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent this from happening. Read on to find out how to protect your hearing aid from damage caused by moisture.

Avoid Extreme Weather Conditions

Since both extreme heat and cold can cause condensation inside the device, it is important to avoid exposing your hearing aid to either one, if possible. When outdoors in warm weather, keep your device away from direct sunlight or other sources of high temperatures, such as car interiors.

On particularly hot days, keep your hearing aid in a cooler environment, such as an air-conditioned room or store it in a container filled with silica gel desiccant. And on the other hand, when outdoors in cold weather, make sure you keep your hearing aid in a pocket or bag to help insulate it from sudden temperature changes.

Keep Your Hearing Aid Dry

One of the easiest ways to prevent moisture damage is to regularly inspect and clean your device, making sure to remove any moisture buildup that may have occurred while using it. After every use, dry off the device using a cotton cloth or tissue and be sure not to rub too hard so as not to create static electricity, which can cause damage. If you plan on swimming, showering or participating in other water-related activities, take your hearing aid off and store it in a sealed container with a moisture-absorbing material like silica gel.

Use Accessories to Create an Airtight Seal

If you have an open-fit hearing aid, you can use accessories that create an airtight seal around the ear canal attachment and microphone opening, preventing any moisture from entering the device. These items are typically made of silicone and come in various sizes to accommodate different users’ needs. Additionally, using sweatbands or hats while exercising can help reduce the amount of sweating around your ears, which causes moisture buildup on your devices.

Consult a Hearing Instrument Specialist

It is also important to regularly check on your hearing aid battery life as well as any signs of corrosion or wear and tear. If you notice any changes, do not hesitate to contact your hearing instrument specialist for help. These experts can provide advice on how to properly care for and store your device and suggestions on the best products that can keep it safe from moisture damage.

It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your valuable device. So, make sure to take the necessary things outlined above to extend the lifespan of your hearing aids and ensure that you’ll have them for many years to come. With proper care and maintenance, you should be able to avoid any hearing aid repairs caused by moisture.